You will also find Team Rocket having a Meowth, and you can easily take them down. You will receive Pikachu as your starter, and follow the same adventure as Ash.

This game features the Pokemon Anime storyline of Ash Ketchum in the Kanto region. Pokemon Ash Gray is another wonderful hack version based on the FireRed ROM. However, make sure you are playing the latest version of the game.ĭownload it from here. If you enjoyed playing Pokemon Crystal on a GBC console, you should definitely give this one a try. There are new characters, sprites, and many other things. You can also catch all the 386 Pokemon in the wild of easily evolve them. The base storyline will be the same as Pokemon Crystal but with a few twists. Pokemon Liquid Crystal is a FireRed ROM hack where you get to play the OG Crystal storyline in a GBA world. You will also find many new and mutant Pokemon in this game.ĭownload it from here. The Gym leaders are dead, the Elite four are infected, and your purpose is not to become the Pokemon Master, but to survive.
You have to find your way into the new bizarre world full of zombies, dead bodies, blood, and various gross things. Everyone in the region, including Pokemons, have turned into Zombie, except a few of them. This Ruby hack features a completely different and brilliant storyline where the entire Hoenn region is hit by a Zombie plaque. Pokemon Snakewood is the most unique ROM hack GBA game. On the other side, Pokemon Blazed Glazed is a revamped version of Blazed developed by a fan who thought that it lacked certain things.ĭownload it from here: 6.

You will find new characters, sprites, music, and palettes. The game features the Tunod and Johto region where all the Pokemons are available in the wild. The story may sound a bit typical but it is remixed with brilliant twists, turns, and events. You have to play it as a twelve-year-old kid who just started his journey in the Pokemon World, but now he also has to fight an evil organization and save the world. It features a completely new storyline set in entirely different regions. Pokemon Glazed is a massively popular Pokemon ROM hack based on Pokemon Emerald. The revamped music is my personal highlight from this game.ĭownload it from here. There are new characters, sprites, Pokemons, and everything else. The first and second games are both based on Pokemon FireRed but have everything overhauled completely.
This fan-made Pokemon game series is created by DarkRisingGirl and her team.